Georgia – In a disturbing incident in Georgia, two young children have been arrested following the tragic death of 8-year-old N. Bush. The young boy, who drowned in a hole filled with water at a construction site in May, was reportedly pushed into the water by one of the other children, leading to charges of involuntary manslaughter and other related crimes against the juveniles. The distressing series of events began on May 15, 2024, when Bush was reported missing by his family. It wasn’t until approximately 11 hours later that the search ended with the discovery of his body. Originally, local law enforcement did not suspect foul play, noting that Bush had removed his shoes and entered an area clearly marked with a “no trespassing” sign. However, the situation took a turn when autopsy results later confirmed that Bush’s death was a homicide by drowning. Subsequent investigations by the sheriff’s office revealed that the 11-year-old child accompanying Bush had pushed him into a deeper part of the hole, leading to his drowning. This revelation led to the arrest of the two juveniles involved; the 11-year-old was charged with involuntary manslaughter, simple battery, concealing the death of another, and criminal trespass, while the 10-year-old faced charges of concealing a death and criminal trespass.